[Reddit Sessions — Comment Review Comedy] Miami-Dade Police Lieutenant, Former Union Official Charged with Sexual Battery in Palm Beach County

I. Samuel Crozier
5 min readMay 28, 2021

! Trigger Warning — [A conversation ensues in which your host has endorsed violence against animal abuse, Details of fighting-sport violence against animals within.] !
! Comedy News — [In the aggregation of these conversations, the writer approaches the disclosure from a dimension of style over substance. Therefore the writer retains the right to modify or reframe a context as need be or as pleasing.] !

Photo of Lt. John Jenkins. Courtesy of WTVJ NBC Channel 6, Miami FL.

Many conversations happen on the internet, but not many collectives of organization do exist to make good from those talks. I have an access card that not everyone has — or something like it. I have the experiences of my lifetime after work-shopping at that comedy club. I’m entertainment savvy also, on top of having experience with activism and people moving. These things are like paid dues for a club membership, and I also needed something I didn’t need to neolithic my readers over the skull for. Its cheap and I’m thrifty. If I should talk dirty to you here, the safeword is ‘taco bell.’ The violence inherent in the system makes the reflection upon recklessness the last lifeboat left.

I don’t know everybodies struggle, and I have times when I don’t care; but I’ll be here trying to be the best emcee I can come up with how to be, and that means I hope you’re having a good time. I’ll be trying to be funny, because my intent on art therapy hasn’t changed; but it is my goal to provide a service not unlike Subcomandante Insurgente Galinae or Karl Marx, I’d like to be good edutainment; so I hope I can become your adorable bookie: a bet with me is a bet for your social life. [This promise is not yet rated. Any promise that is not already guaranteed by a track-record may be hazardous to your health. You have been advised.]

This content is sectioned for your convenience. Now I will try to step aside and be a good emcee.



the ball was held at trumps golf club, the assault* is probably a requirement for membership.


Donald Trump: Grabbing them by the pussies since the ninteen-eighties.



But you know what they say about bad apples Frank? They spoil the whole barrel!


( •_•)>⌐■-■



This user has made a point I was not prepared for. I blame the media. Its a fortunate thing that I actually do. Boring ass media. Can we get a change-up in the mix? Can we get a bad-ass of the day going on? It certainly didn’t make syndication in the New York Times!


[Spread the Lay]


It blows me away the the executive of the benevolent society of police officers would sexually assault someone at a police gala. Piece of shit…I think we say allegedly still.


Always remember to wipe front to back girls. You don’t want police corruption going on down there!



Reluctant authorities were forced to act when citizens provided video evidence showing the crime in progress along with fingerprint and DNA evidence linking the officer directly to the crime.
Officers initial investigation concluded “that everything was consensual and there is nothing to see here.”

Upon seeing the overwhelming evidence against Officer Rapey, the department later released a statement outlining the victim’s various flaws, including: “literally anything we could find to discredit her.”
After all other options were exhausted the department was forced to charge the officer. Again, and the department couldn’t stress this enough- “not because we wanted to, but because we had to-We will be providing the officer with an attorney at tax payers expense and we look forward to having the un-named officer back on the force as quickly as possible.”


I would say its utilitarian to know this, but it is always a lamentable day when the people must come together as trial jury.




Four legs good!


A classic out of context rebuke, falling just short of obviously using the word Fascist? Why doesn’t anybody ever use the feminist pearl clutcher for a fascist? …or even better, first impression shortbus? That’s not better?



Just drove by that place today and told my wife this is why everyone associates Jupiter with psycho Trumpists now and forever. Keep it classy


Congratulations user, you have made my comments roll call due to scarcity of options. Good job!

…also, I’m not entirely sure what this means but I’m talking to look like I’m keeping up.




Sounds like they were resisting .


Congratulations user, you have made my comments roll call due to scarcity of options. Good job!

…and for the record, I have read the record, and there is no description in the linked story regarding events of the night. After chasing the story for a bit, there is still no record of the incident beyond the highlights of the legal defense councilor. There were no other links. If there is indeed further description, it would be noteworthy.

Continued: However, after some diligence, I can validate the above joke. It is not a punch downward. It indeed sounds like she was resisting arrest. #AllLivesMatter



A sexual assault on a Trump property. Who would have thunk it.


At least we can take solace in knowing that the Democrats are no better, and that there is still downhill that we have yet to go.


[Titillate x2]


Just another rare bad apple, eh?


This is one of those low effort comments that I’m not fond of sharing, but I’d like to take this opportunity to share my own opinion on our systemic problems.

I’m a believer that intake, output, internal networking and relaxed firing are four psychological requirements for a healthy life; and I also believe that these four begin to form a map that can explain the tunnel vision inherent in that violence inherent in the system, if I can call on my nostalgia to help explain this matter.

I feel like America’s police are actually very sleek in a very important being a weapon way; but what I think a problem really is manifests from the tunnel vision of what they do. They need more job. They need a punk rock quota. They need a festival and refurbishing quota, with applications fund. They need a preventative internship imposition quota. They need more than one job, because these crazies are nuts.



Let’s just call it what it is. Gang initiation


Congratulations user, you have made my comments roll call due to scarcity of options. Good job!

This user did not do the amount of research I was compelled by shame to do.


This has been a syndication of the comments of people who wish to be heard. Subscribe for future programming of this political comedy channel.

This programming block was developed because I am pleased as punch to be ethical.

